Thursday, 10 December 2009

Exisiting Homepages of Websites

In order to gain an idea of what our webpage for our artists website should look like, we reseached into existing websites of music artists. On of the websites we came across was Taio Cruiz's. We liked the look of the home page of this site and therefore analysed it to see what looks good and what features we could include on our webpage. Click on the image to enlarge it to see the annotations.

Another website that we analysed was Calvin Harris' one. Click on the image below to enlarge it and see the annotatoions of the webpage.

From looking at the researched websites, i like the idea of having the main navigational bar across the top of the page. I also liek the idea of using either a close up or medium close up of the artist on the website. Like with Taio Cruz' website, i like the idea of including a User login form onto our webpage and with the recent music video too. Headings and importants links will need to be bold and stand out for the viewers to recognise.

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